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For dedicated server clients, there are 2 commonly used models of 3ware RAID cards for hardware RAID volumes: 3ware 8006-2LP and 3ware 9650. The 8006 model is older and is currently being phased out in favor of the newer 9650 model.


To see product notes on each card, click the relevant link below:


3ware 8006

3ware 9650


Management of these RAID cards depends on the operating system installed. Following are some resources and instructions for Linux & Windows:



To begin, you will need to download the appropriate binary for your Linux installation:

x86_64 (64 bit) Linux

x86 (32 bit) Linux

After downloading, decompress/untar the file:

tar xvzf filename.tgz

Now, you must modify the permissions on the binary so it may be executed by root:

chmod 700 tw_cli

Finally, run the binary with the "info" option to see output on the RAID volume:

./tw_cli info
Ctl   Model        Ports   Drives   Units   NotOpt   RRate   VRate   BBU
c0    8006-2LP     2       2        1       0        2       -       - 

The output above will show you how many ports are on the RAID card, how many drives are connected, how many RAID units there are, and the count of "Not Optimal" RAID volumes. If the number in the "NotOpt" column is not zero, your RAID volume is degraded/damaged and should be serviced as soon as possible.




In Windows, management of the RAID card is much easier. You simply need to download the 3DM graphical interface that runs as a service, monitors the RAID volume(s), and will notify a user directly via a Windows alert and optionally email the server administrator with a report.


For more information (including downloads, documentation, and installation instructions) see the following URL:


3DM overview